Circular Slider
Here I’d like to talk about circular sliders in general and gradient circular sliders in particular.
Very nice circular slider example is located here, mine is based upon it.
I do not like couple things about that slider though. One of those is that it does not allow drawing circular gradient.
Currently there is no ‘out-of-the-box’ way of drawing circular gradients on iOS, so we’ll have to do that manually. The basic idea here is to draw many small rectangles close to each other,tinting each one with its own color. This approach allows almost any shapes and colors variations.
There’s a nice SO discussion on this topic. One minor improvement there is that rectangles are replaced with trapezoids. This way shapes won’t overlap with corners.
Long story short, here’s slightly refined SO code.
int subdiv=512;
float interiorPerim = M_PI*radius;
float exteriorPerim = M_PI*(radius+WIDTH);
float smallBase= interiorPerim/subdiv;
float largeBase= exteriorPerim/subdiv;
UIBezierPath *cell = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[cell moveToPoint:CGPointMake(-smallBase/2,radius-WIDTH/2)];
[cell addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(smallBase/2,radius-WIDTH/2)];
[cell addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(largeBase/2,radius+WIDTH)];
[cell addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(-largeBase/2,radius+WIDTH)];
[cell closePath];
float incr = 2 * M_PI / subdiv; //increment angle
CGContextRotateCTM(ctx, M_PI/2);
for (int i=0;i<subdiv;i++) {
UIColor *c =
[c set];
[cell fill];
[cell stroke];
CGContextRotateCTM(ctx, -incr);
This is an incomplete excerpt from slider drawRect method. Full project.
Let’s see what is going on here.
Trapezoid initialization
Here we initialize the amount of trapezoids to use (subdiv variable) and small and large trapezoid’s bases (we need to calculate inner and outer perimeters of slider ring before we can find bases).
Bezier path building
Forming bezier path of a trapezoid.
Positioning path
Setting up initial trapezoid position and rotation.
Stroking trapezoids
Drawing trapezoids next to each other slightly rotating with each iteration.
By varying the subdiv variable we can achieve various results.
(image borrowed from aforementioned SO thread)
The slider we were working on now looks like this:
You can get full project here. It includes various gradients on slider, including the one described here.